Vale Occupational Medicine

  • Do you need to book your critical medical ie, HOIST, CRANE, MINE RESCUE, or TRANSPORTATION (LOCOMOTIVE) MEDICAL?

    If so, please CLICK on the link below to request an assessment with our clinical team.

  • Please CLICK on the link below for resources and information on Nickel Carbonyl and exposures.

  • Do you work with a Designated Substance* in the workplace that could have health consequences? CLICK the link below to complete an intake form to request an assessment with our clinical team.

    *Designated Substances include: Silica, lead, nickel dust, isocyanates, asbestos, arsenic, sulfur dioxide, cobalt, shotcrete, welding fumes and diesel fumes.

  • Interested in our hearing conservation program?

    Please CLICK on the link below to request an assessment with our clinical team.